Here is the sound.  Can anyone figure it out?

Apparently if you play it backwards you can faintly hear the words "Do not land, or we will be forced to destroy your puny planet". Whatever that might mean....

What I can't understand is someone so addicted to New Age garbage and weak-minded thinking that, faced with two of the greatest achievements in the history of man (the Mars lander and this comet lander), they're looking for something more Woo Woo to focus and obsess on.

People like JohnR and Nabby just leave me astonished. What *happened* to them that makes them think (or, more accurately, NOT think) the way they do? You would think that they'd be *embarrassed* to show people the ways that their minds work (or fail to), but they actually seem to be proud of it.

I think I get where it comes from, I briefly suffered from this need to make more out of the world than there is when I was a kid and was exploring the world outside of me seriously for the first time. I remember it as being like discovering secret knowledge that the stuffy establishment were too blind to see, or something that linked in more with the sci-fi I loved than the BBC documentaries provided.

We could call it "Erich Von Daniken syndrome", because it was his books I found in the library that really made me wonder about these alleged esoteric truths. It had to be true or they wouldn't publish it, right? But he did travel to amazing places and got me hooked on the ancient world even though everything he said was total nonsense, as I found out from learning how proper archaeologists go about their work.

Crop circles did me a big favour too because it was photo on the front of the Fortean Times magazine that made me buy it and that's what started a somewhat more realistic approach because they would actually look at weird things objectively to see if they were true.

This /E//xaminer /website does John no favours, they don't seem to have any brake on finding things out before they leap to the fantastical as they have no scientific way of evaluating and grading quality of evidence. I think it spoils the sense of wonder and that's a shame.
On 11/13/2014 5:12 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
JohnR and Nabby are perpetual VICTIMS to sites like the Examiner or YouTube because they *cater* to people like them --
/You don't have to be so defensive, Barry. You're the guy that posted to FFL numerous articles from the Huffington Post and the link to your RAMA website. Everyone already knows that./
guys who have never had anything going for them but who are desperate to be perceived as being "special" or "knowing things" that others do not. It's like these sites they repost articles from have a big, blinking neon sign that only losers can see that says, in big invisible letters: "NEED SOMETHING TO MAKE YOU FEEL MORE SELF-IMPORTANT? READ THIS. SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS."
/The question is - CAN YOU OR FLY? CAN YOU FLY, MR. WRIGHT?/

Also, one of the things I've noticed in non-FFL, non-TM former friends of mine who have gone all Newage (rhymes with sewage) and WooWoo themselves is that they tend to only talk to people like themselves. That is, those whose minds are so weak that they'd actually be *impressed* by the kinds of things they post. They repost articles claiming that the guvmint knows that aliens exist and are hiding the truth about it because they're used to getting replies from idiots like themselves who say, "Oh...YOU know the truth about this, too? Good for you. Aren't we so SPECIAL? Aren't we so much BETTER than those who don't know this stuff?"
/The only thing we want to know is why you posted those levitation claims to the group in order to impress us with your advance spiritual experience at Denny's in downtown L.A. Can you please just answer that?/

What they don't seem to realize is that their more sensible friends stopped reading what they post and stopped replying to them years ago. The only "followers" they have left on FB or wherever are people who are just as whacked out as they are.
/Get a grip, Barry - it's not the end of the world that you now have only a single friend left on FB - //Dr. Pete./
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