Real mince pie, with suet and mutton and so on?

      From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Friday, December 5, 2014 3:04 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: YhWh is Shiva?

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

Among the Jews, Yahweh is still unmanifested although they're still waiting for 
the messiah to come.
I thought Jesus was the messiah, but they just didn't like him much because he 
told them to follow their faith rather than greed and corruption so they had 
him nailed to a tree rather than mend their ways. Oops.
After that it was a bit embarrassing for his followers still to claim he was 
special so the whole "rebirth through resurrection" thing was invented so there 
was still some sort of point to his life.
And the only reason the story about his Ma and Pa travelling to Bethlehem was 
invented was to fulfill an old testament prophecy that the messiah would be 
born there. The Romans would not have required people to travel to take part in 
the census' they were way more organised than that.
Hmm, all this has put me in a festive mood. Time for a mince pie!

Among the Christians, Jesus is considered to be the Son of God.  So, a theology 
has developed stating that the Divine has a triune quality in God the Father, 
Son, and Holy Spirit.
But the Muslims, although they claim to have the same tradition as the Jews, 
believe that the true God is Allah.  Thus, we're having the turmoil regarding 
religion that is destroying Iraq and Syria today.
I don't suppose any of them are going to stop and ask if god could help them 
out like he used to, and if not why not?

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

Re "Yahweh is I-AM-WHO-I-AM and does not have a manifested body":

Ever hear of a chap called Jesus?

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

Yahweh is IAMWHOAM and does not have a manifested body although It is known by 
the Hebrew prophets.  On the other hand, Shiva has a manifested form and is 
known to have a wife in Parvati.  #yiv6827624727 #yiv6827624727 -- 
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