

 Gymnosophists ("naked philosophers" or "naked sophists") is the name given by 
the Greeks to ancient Indian philosophers who regarded food and clothing as 
detrimental to purity of thought (sadhus or yogis). At least some of the 
authors of the Upanishads lived at this time - the Upanishads being some of the 
most beautiful and profound (and yet simple and direct) writings in world 


 The influence of Indian (including Buddhist) thought on the development of 
Greek philosophy (and so on our, western thought) is a fascinating subject. At 
this distance in time it's hard to unravel what was borrowed from Indian 
contacts and what was original to the Greeks. We do know that some Indian 
gymnosophists travelled all the way to Greece. I would love to know what was 
said in their conversations with their fascinated Greek listeners! Perhaps 
there was even a contemporary equivalent of MMY. Maybe he taught some of them 

 Here are some mentions from the original Greek classics . . . 

 Alexander the Great (fourth century BC) met ten gymnosophists near the banks 
of the Indus. One noted gymnosophist was Calanus. He later self-immolated 
whilst chanting Vedic mantras in a Hindu rite. Before immolation, he is said to 
have prophesied the death of Alexander at Babylon.

 Pyrrho, the founder of Scepticism, came under the influence of the 
gymnosophists while travelling to India with Alexander. On his return, he 
imitated their habits of life.


 Strabo (first century AD) says that gymnosophists were religious people among 
the Indians.


 Philo (Hellenized Jew, first century BC) mentions the gymnosophists twice in 
the course of listing foreign ascetics and philosophers who are, in his 
estimation, "prudent, and just, and virtuous" and therefore truly free: "And 
among the Indians there is the class of the gymnosophists, who, in addition to 
natural philosophy, take great pains in the study of moral science likewise, 
and thus make their whole existence a sort of lesson in virtue."


 Plotinus (third century AD), the founder of Neoplatonism, decided to 
investigate the philosophical teachings of the Indian philosophers. He joined 
the army of Emperor Gordian III as it marched on Persia. However, the campaign 
was a failure, and on Gordian's eventual death, Plotinus found himself 
abandoned in a hostile land, and only with difficulty found his way back to 


 When Cleopatra was facing imminent defeat by the Romans she gathered a fleet 
on the Red Sea which she planned to load with the treasures of Egypt and sail 
to India to set up a kingdom on the west Indian coast. Even given her desperate 
situation it's inconceivable she would have considered that option unless she 
knew a fair bit about Indian politics and traded regularly with Indian 
merchants. So she and her advisers must have been familiar with basic Indian 
religious practices. Her plan came to naught as the Romans paid some Arab 
mercenaries to burn the fleet she'd assembled. Imagining what would have 
happened in world history if she'd succeeded in setting up a mini-state on the 
Indian subcontinent makes my head spin!

 On a side note: the Greeks were the first to use opium as both a medicine and 
as a recreational drug (Cleopatra was a keen user!). Alexander the Great 
introduced the drug to Afghanistan which is now the world's main source of the 

 (NOTE: I'm the last person on the planet still using "BC/AD". The use of 
"BCE/CE" grates on my ear!) 





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