I can imagine the interaction (ver 2).

Indian Yogi: Namaste Brothers


 Greek; Bow down before Zeus, Bow down before Alexander the Great, the greatest 
slayer of men the world has seen.

 Indian Yogi: I (constantly) bow the the universe and its marvels, of which you 
are an integral part. I am saddened to hear that you worship blood-lusting 
leaders, not men of integrity, wisdom and compassion.


 Greek: You arrogant sack of shit. Our civilization has it all figured out. 
What has yours done?

 Indian: Well we developed the concept of zero -- which even your future 
conquerors will be blind to, creating an obtuse numbering system.  We have a 
system of math which your conquerors conquerors will call algebra. We have 
developed thing cube roots and have the foundations of something like what your 
future "Age of Enlightenment" (cough) greatest scientists/witches will call 
calculus. We have developed a theory of the atom something you will stumble 
upon later, but sort of still get it wrong.  We are onto an equivalence of 
light and matter which it will take your civilization 2000 years and a lot of 
yelling and screaming to get to. We have, relative to your crude versions 
abilities to distill perfumes, aromatic liquids, manufacture dyes and pigments, 
and extract sugar from plants (sugar is something that will blow your minds in 
about a 1000 years -- so much so you will inhumanely enslave millions just to 
get a taste of it). We have an extensive medical science way beyond your crude 
understanding of how the body works and how to cure its ills and have a refined 
practice something your civilization will stumble upon in 1000 or so called 
surgery. We have massive texts detailing this knowledge. Our language is based 
on a deep understanding of sound. Our grammar is so concise and profound, 200 
years from now what your civilizations far flung children's computer scientists 
and linguists will marvel at.  Our music is light years ahead of your crude 
attempts. We have advanced the smelting of metals is far beyond your current 
capabilities.  Our astronomical knowledge is 1000 years ahead of yours.   Our 
civil engineering & architecture is many levels more precise than yours. We 
build far better ships, have explore vast parts of this round globe (a concept 
your civilization won't stumble upon for centuries) and have created games such 
as chess which 2000 years will still be seen as a hugely challenging game. And 
playing cards which -- 2000 years from now your civilization will build vast 
cities simply to play these games (forgetting they are mere games and should 
not divert so much attention away from the important aspects of life. 
Spiritually, we see divine love within everything. We treat all creatures with 
respect and love. Our arts are so detailed and deep, it may take your 
civilization 3000 years to comprehend them fully. We believe the purpose of 
life is to expand happiness, to enable each person to grow to their fullest 
potential, and we have build our civilization around nurturing that ideal. 

 And we figured these things in by both diving deep within our selves and 
seeing fundamental patterns of nature and the testing and refining them in the 
outer spheres of life.

 Greek: Bullshit! Kill the heathen bastard.

 Indian Yogi: As you please. I am imperishable but only a few of your 
philosophers have gotten a glimpse of that. This body has to go sometime -- so 
have at it.


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