Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Dr. Phil Koan (was Re: 'Clarifying The Energy Field')
on 6/12/06 5:51 AM, TurquoiseB at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm saying this because in my opinion (and in the
opinion of several teachers I've met), getting hung
up on descriptions of enlightenment and trying to
come up with the "best" deseription of enlightenment
or trying to "understand" enlightenment is an excellent
method of never actually experiencing enlightenment.
Like many things, the actual value of enlightenment
comes from experiencing it, not from thinking about
it or talking about it.

I find satsang, in which we talk about enlightenment for several hours, extremely conducive to clearer and deeper experience. I feel that this is due more to the energy field that gets created in the room than to the topics discussed. What seems to happen is that that field tends to draw the attention inward (or expand and clarify the awareness – not sure how to put it), while at the same time the intellect is alert and is settling down to subtler and subtler states of functioning. This results in a profound and clear establishment in Being, which tends to be much more stable than that produced by a single meditation – even a good one. Many people who have been meditating for decades have woken up after a few, or even one, such gathering.

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