--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Richard
> The thing is that quoting facts is better than heresay. My bio of 
> Maharishi many, many verbatim quotes that even many TM teachers had 
> not heard before. However, because there is a lot of frustrated 
> individuals who have yet to offer any original research, they resort 
> to personal attacks. I have read your research on Sri Vidhya & the 
> early history of the movement etc and it interests me. But none of 
> the posters who are so prone to vitriolic outbursts have produced any 
> research at all, just billowing hot-air, and sometimes polluted at 
> that. 
> That I produce wodges of quotes from Maharishi, Guru Dev, Satyanand, 
> & Charlie Lutes seems to be of no value to these so-called defenders 
> of Maharishi and TM. They seem to think they will earn their laurels 
> by being anti-Paul Mason? Whatever! But at the end of the day, they 
> know they have contributed nothing worthwhile for their cause.
> So, it is sour grapes, and those who really have something to 
> contribute to the story are happy to exchange cordial emails with me. 
> Jay Gurudev

Yeah, but you usually don't blast them in public for things you misread in the 
first place...

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> <willytex@> wrote:
> >
> > Paul Mason wrote:
> > > I have had (friendly) emails on the side from quite 
> > > a few of the posters here, and it is disturbing to 
> > > see some of you post 'hate' mail against critics of 
> > > Maharishi. Actually, it is quite possible to be 
> > > critical of someone without hating him. But anyway, 
> > > I suspect you are in good company as Maharishi has 
> > > never been good at dealing with criticism, so I guess 
> > > he deserves to be represented by you and your ilk.
> > >
> > One informer here called me crazy, another called me nuts, Paul. 
> Judy
> > lied and said I lived under a bridge. Can you believe that? They
> > really hate me, Paul, but I like your book and I don't care what 
> they
> > say about you. Barry has a nice thread about what these TMers really
> > believe.
> >

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