That's me.

On Saturday, May 19, I managed to ruin the cable connector for my notebook 
PC.  It's on its way back to the manufacturer for repair as I write 
this.  I've spent two days backing up my data and getting a backup PC ready 
(which I'm obviously now using), but I have to make two out-of-state trips 
over the next week and will have only limited and occasional Internet access.

Many projects are now on hold, although I will continue to do what I can 
(which won't be much).

All problem and abuse reports MUST be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I won't be 
here and if you send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], no one will read it for 
days. Sorry.

   \\  //   Science Fiction and Fantasy                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    \\//          Visualizing Middle-earth, a book for all Tolkien fans
   //  \\

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