I promised you guys an technical explanation of
the BitArmor cold boot defense, to show that it 
wasn't just marketing and snake oil.  I apologize 
for it taking a while, but I've been quite busy.  
Here it is.  As you'll see, this isn't just a 
marketing attack.  It's practical security 
technology that's a level above anything else that 
exists.  For compliance oriented FDE, maybe you 
don't need it, but if your laptops need to be 
secure against organized crime or nation state 
class threats, this is essential.


Princeton's cold boot attack allows data to be
recovered from encrypted laptops, as long as
the laptop is stolen while the power is on.
Even when sleeping, the disk encryption keys
are still held in memory.  I'll admit my laptop
is usually sleeping when it's on the airport
X-ray belt.  Publicly available tools allow 
the contents of memory to be dumped to a USB 
device, so no technical sophistication is 
needed to carry out the attack.  Simply insert 
a USB within a few hours after stealing the 
laptop, boot to it, and you have the key.

A variety of solutions have been proposed,
but all require changes to user behavior,
additional hardware, and so on.  BitArmor's 
solution is the only all software FDE 
solution that prevents cold boot attacks
completely, regardless of what you are doing,
and without requiring the user to do anything

BitArmor's unique solution is built from
three parts.  The first is an innovative
trick that prevents the attacker from
stealing the key without first transferring
the memory to another computer.  The second
trick prevents the attacker from freezing
the memory before moving it.  These two
steps mean there will be some bit flips
in memory, though the error rate might be
as low as a few parts per million, and
searching for the correct key after recovering
a key with (potentially) a few errors is

The last part of the solution is to make
the in-memory form of the encryption key
depend on millions of bits in a 
cryptographically strong way.  This way,
as little as a few parts per million of
errors is enough to completely obliterate
all information about what the disk
encryption key is.

Of course, this has to be carefully designed
in order to be feasible.  Note that simply 
securely hashing a million bit buffer, as 
suggested in the Princeton paper, isn't 
computationally feasible.  I'll describe the
hashing scheme later.

BitArmor's solution involves carefully crafted 
machine instructions, running at high interrupt, 
holding all keys and key related material in MMX 
registers so it is never in memory at any point.  
Due to careful design, the disk I/O overhead is 
under 10% and that's only for I/O limited 
operations.  The effect on most uses of the 
computer is unnoticeable.

So what are the two tricks that guarantee the
user can't obtain a perfect copy of memory?

The first trick is to store the encrypted
disk key at the offset 0x7c00 in physical
memory.  BitArmor's FDE device driver loads
very early in the boot process, and can
claim this memory and use it.  The advantage
of using this location is that BIOS boot
loaders, by convention, load the boot sector
into physical memory at this location.  So
by having the encrypted disk key at that
location, any attempt to boot to alternative
media will destroy the encrypted disk key.

The second trick is to monitor the temperature
sensors on the laptop.  All laptop motherboards 
have at least one onboard temperature sensor, 
and most have a range of sensors, including one
in the region where the memory chips are.  These
sensors are integrated into the board and very
difficult to tamper with.  If a suspicious
temperature drop is noted, the FDE device
driver erases the encrypted keys and halts the
machine.  This prevents some exotic attack
vectors (for example, immersing the motherboard
in liquid nitrogen).

So how do you securely hash a million bits
efficiently enough that you can have the code
run on every disk I/O operation?  There are
essentially two requirements.  Make sure that
brute forcing all possible bit errors is more 
time consuming than brute forcing the key, and
making sure you expect to have that many errors.

Let W be the number of bits that are securely
hashed, and f be the required minimum number of
flips.  We need (W choose f) to be large, more
than 2^80 or even 2^128.  There are a variety
of good choices here; W=256 and f~15 is 

But with only 256 bits, if the attacker can get
the error rate below 5%, the key can be found.
The trick here is "flip amplification".  If we
XOR together 10 256-bit values, the expected
number of flips goes up by about 10 (a bit less,
do to "flip fratricide": the same bit could flip
twice).  Furthermore, XORing a large, contiguous
buffer into an MMX register is really, really
fast.  So the security can be "dialed up" to
meet the requirements of your threat model; like
we said, millions of bits is quite feasible.
Simply choose a buffer size large enough so that
the expected flips is comfortably larger than the
minimum flip requirement you derived from your
threat model.

Taken together, these elements create a
seamless, software only FDE encryption that
renders laptops immune to the Princeton cold
boot attacks.

(FIPS certification is in progress and should
be complete by summer 2008)

Tim Hollebeek
BitArmor Systems

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