I am curious - how do you arrange for key entry in a server? Does the
operator enter it from the console on each boot? Doesn't that make "lights
out" operation difficult? I wouldn't like to give up the ability of
machines to reboot unattended. If it is stored somewhere on the computer, don't you still have the problem that possesion of the hardware implies
access to the data?

This is always a problem. You may recall that many SSL web servers in the early days stored their private keys encrypted. They required that operators type passwords on boot. Some Linux distributions require that a password be typed on boot if you are using an encrypted partition. I have seen physical devices attached to keyboards that have the passwords in them. I have also seen the key provided over a network connection.

Anyway, how often do used drives have cash value greater than the cost
differential of regular and FDE drives? Wouldn't it be more efficient to
just destroy used drives if you can't erase the contents?

Economics are not always aligned that way. Jane hires Jill to destroy the drives. Jill takes the cash but then sells the drives for extra profit. Or perhaps somebody decides to donate the computers because it would be a waste to destroy them when poor kids don't have high technology.

Daniel Feenberg
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