On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 08:29:47PM +0200, Francesco Furfari wrote:
> Hi Stephan,
> I was playing with your code ;-)  .... so I incidentally noticed that 
> in a few of your subprojects problems still remain.
> Probably you have forgotten to update the headers in the  
> "mosgi.console.component" project,
I did not find where I forgot headers.

> but in mosgi.jmx.* projects you report the "Copyright (C) MX4J." even is 
> you have updated the ASL headers.
> I think that you should to move the copyright  in the notice file and 
> eventually to add the original license file in your project root.
> Take a look at http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#3party,
> the point 2. of the *notice file* section tell about the using of notice 
> file for reporting the rest of copyrights.
> Among the faq there's a notice example:  
> http://www.apache.org/licenses/example-NOTICE.txt

I have done this, but the NOTICE file has been removed.

Stephane Frenot - Associate professor | 
CITI/INRIA Ares - INSA lyon           | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bat. LĂ©onard de Vinci                 | http://ares.insa-lyon.fr/~sfrenot/
21 av Jean Capelle                    | ICQ:643346 (et oui !)
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex              | +33 472 436 422 / +33 617 671 714

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