Hi stephane,

I'm going to answer by JIRA so we can keep track better of these issues


the apache server is out of service for the moment, that's because you don't find the reference.

On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 08:29:47PM +0200, Francesco Furfari wrote:
Hi Stephan,
I was playing with your code ;-) .... so I incidentally noticed that in a few of your subprojects problems still remain. Probably you have forgotten to update the headers in the "mosgi.console.component" project,
I did not find where I forgot headers.

but in mosgi.jmx.* projects you report the "Copyright (C) MX4J." even is you have updated the ASL headers.

I think that you should to move the copyright in the notice file and eventually to add the original license file in your project root.
Take a look at http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#3party,
the point 2. of the *notice file* section tell about the using of notice file for reporting the rest of copyrights. Among the faq there's a notice example: http://www.apache.org/licenses/example-NOTICE.txt

I have done this, but the NOTICE file has been removed.


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