Hi guys,

I am having a hard time getting Cricket to eat right
now.  He is drinking water some and some tuna juice,
but it isn't much.  I have been force feeding him baby
meat foods the past couple of days.  He isn't very
happy about it, but otherwise, he is going to be too
weak if he doesn't eat.  I've tried tuna, salmon,
goat's milk, yogurt, baby meat foods, and wet cat
food-different varieties, and he doesn't seem
interested in much of anything except for a little
water and tuna juice now and then and some tuna
flakes-just a little.  I am hoping he is eating at
night while I am sleeping or gone to work during the
day, but if he is, I don't think it's much.  I have
three other cats in the house and it's hard to tell
who's doing what.  He doesn't have any mouth sores,
and he is dehydrated just a little bit.  He's on
prednisone still, and still making rbc's, but his body
is killing them as it makes them.  He's still anemic. 
We don't have the $300 to do a blood transfusion, and
that's not really an option anyway, since he is making
his own rbc's and the vet said the transfusion might
make his body try to fight the rbc's more.  He's still
walking around a little, but weak due to lack of
nutrients.  He still purrs and sleeps with me at night
and goes outside to enjoy the air and sun, so I know
he's still enjoying life somewhat.  But I don't know
what to do to get him to eat.  Any ideas?  Also, we're
going out of town tonight and I have to leave him for
48 hours.  I am worried to death.  My best friend is
going to stop by Sunday morning and give him his
Prednisone and some fresh tuna, and we'll be home
later that evening.  Any thoughts or advice out there?

Thanks so much!

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