
Yes, I fussed over Pepper this morning after the
police left, and I could swear by the look on her face
that she was so proud of herself.  She was probably
saying, "See momma, I told you there was someone out
there but you weren't listening!"  lol.  We have a
puppy who is about 5 months old that my husband found
on a road by his work.  Ironically, we had taken him
to my mother's last night because we're going out of
town and she's going to take care of him.  I think if
he were there that he would have barked or growled. 
Makes me wonder if it was just bad timing, or if the
prowler has been watching, you know?  I am creeped out
and glad we're going out of town so I won't worry
about it.  We have a security system, so I do feel
safe at night.  But my nephew gets home about an hour
before I do, so I'm a little worried about him.  I
told him to reset the alarm as soon as he gets home
and not to go outside.  It's hard to believe we have
so many weirdo's out there.


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