Hi Ken,

My name is Wendy.  Welcome to the group and I hope it
is as wonderful a source for you as it has been for
me.  You and I have very similar situations right now.
 My kitty Cricket has been hanging in there for the
past three weeks.  To be honest, I haven't seen a
marked improvement in Cricket since he has been on
ImmunoRegulin, and I think he got depressed when I
went out of town this weekend and didn't eat or drink
much, so I'm just trying to get his strength back up. 
Cricket is on Prednisolone.  I am also trying to give
him Cyproheptadine for appetite stimulation, but he
doesn't like the taste of it at all and gags on it. 
Like you, I struggled with the idea of a transfusion,
but the cost is just too much.  Shoot, if I knew how
to do it myself, I would.  I have enough cats to
choose from as donors.  lol.  I want to encourage you
to continue hoping and praying for Max's recovery. 
Our little furballs gain strength from us, so don't
give up.  I will keep Max in my prayers.  Keep us
posted on his health.


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