Hi Guys,

Well I am sorry to report that today is Cricket's last
day.  He has deteriorated quite a bit and is no longer
eating, drinking, taking food via force feeding, and
he is barely able to walk.  So I realized today that
it is time.  I am trying not to get emotional right
now because I have to get through the day at work. 
But I do need to ask if anyone has any advice
regarding taking a kitty to be pts.  Cricket hates
needles and will not be happy about it.  I know
someone mentioned Rescue Remedy, but I couldn't find
it at Walmart or Petsmart.  I can look at the CVS
across the street from my job.  Other than Rescue
Remedy, is there anything else I can do to make him as
comfortable as possible before going or during his
visit?  Thanks.  Wendy

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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