I guess I got lucky with my Maizee,she took her pill like a good little trooper,hey we had to do it everyday so something had to give.At firts it wasn't that easy,but we came to a understanding,and the pill popper really helped.A while back she stole the popper and I still have not found it :),I had to give her meds by hand until I got a new one.I showed her :) she was some special furbaby.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When I was having to daily medicate Gracie, I found that even thinking
about pill time would send her scurrying. I would have to keep
something else in my mind, (birds fluttering worked best!), or I
wouldn't be able to find her when I had the pill popper ready :) .

TenHouseCats wrote:

>i'm firmly convinced that my cats LOVE to watch mommy run around the
>house after them with a loaded syringe.... as i said, great
>AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
>ICQ: 289856892

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