Allie my thoughts are with you and your Lola,it sounds like you have her best interests in mind.Good for you to foster a recue kitty,I have volunteered at a kitty rescue here,one place is healthy adoptable furbabies and the other place is for Felv pos and Fiv kitties,I just got home from my second night from the felv babies and I just love them to pieces.There are about 50 or more there and over 100 at the other.I needed something to do after work since my Maizee passed 2 weeks ago,I just hate being home,so in her honor I am helping out other sick kitties.You are in my prayers,kiss your baby for me.

Allie Deaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, I took Lola in to get re-evaluated, regarless of the fact that she has been going downhill fast. The results of the second test and bloodpanel were not nice, especially with her emerging symptoms. The fluid in her chest is continuing to accumulate, she stopped eating (Ive been syringe feeding her a high-cal prescription diet), she is very anemic and very jaundiced. Her breathing has become very labored and she isn't really moving around much. After discussions with 2 vets and quite a few other sources of research (including this list), we've decided to help her over the bridge after we've had a chance to say goodbye. She has too many things off in her bloodwork, her red blood cells appear to be committing suicide, kidney enzymes are elevated, despite my efforts (pedialyte) to keep her hydrated and her liver enzymes are high despite my efforts to keep her fed (Hill's a/d). She is so weak, and since she is a just a kitten, who was born with the disease, it looks highly unlikely that aggressive treatment would do anything except buy her a little time. I think I'm at peace with my decision. I had plans to take a foster in this weekend, which I think I'll go through with since it will give me something to do and a place to direct all of my love. Plus, what better tribute to Lola than to save the life of another cat in need? I've requested that the foster be vaccinated against FeLV this once, just to be extra careful.

Thanks, everyone.

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