Thanks, Michelle –

I remember reading a case in PA, for a similar situation as I am in – she lost her case on the city level, and appealed and she lost on the state level and she lost again, and she appealed to federal level and she finally won!  The federal court ruled against the opponent claiming that “having the number of animals (I think she has 25 to 35 cats or something) itself” does not prove the they are creating nuisance ----


Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Hideyo's court case 19th??


Hideyo, if this does go forward and for some reason you do lose and the order is bad, file an appeal and call the Animal Legal Defense Fund for referral to an attorney to represent you on appeal.  I personally would call them now to see if someone is in your area who can help on the 19th if you have to go to court.


informal resolution is always best, ,though, and it looks like you are on track to do that, hopefully.



In a message dated 12/8/2005 5:17:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yeah.. I have a letter from her.. also a friend of mine who was an assistant mayor recently became a deputy director of environmental health service where animal services division sits under.. so we are making some calls to see if this can be taken care of internally.. but I am playing a phone tag with the director of animal services.. so I am still prepared to go to a court and to win.. if I don’t win.. what are the options??? Taking my animals away and kill them???  It just does not make sense.  My animals are not bothering anyone, and they are well taken care of .. why removing them and trying to kill them using tax payer’s money..


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