He said when he felt of her she didn't seem to be very
constipated.  He was worried about her temp. being 98.
He told me she wasn't doing to good.  She seemed O.K.
at home yesterday once she started eating.  Then when
I got up this morning she would go try to have a bowel
movement in her litter box 3 times before we left.  It
was a pretty day yesterday so I let her walk in the
yard for a few minutes to try to perk her up.  She
always loved to go outside but I didn't let her go out
very much.  You could tell she was weak.  I have a
huge dog crate I have her in at home.  She has her
bed, food dishes and litterbox in it.  I put down some
puppy pads in case she has an accident.  I don't know
the vet has me worried that maybe she is dying.  He
said he wished he could get the results of the
biopsies back sooner but the earliest he thinks they
will get them would be tomorrow.  I hope they don't
make her stay there tonight but I guess she may need


--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Cindy,
> What did the vet seem to think was the problem (what
> was causing the constipation)?
> Wendy
> --- cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I had to take Stinky back to the vet today.  She
> > seemed to be having difficulty having a bowel
> > movement.  I just called to check on her and the
> vet
> > told me he was concerned about her.  Her
> temperature
> > was 98. She didn't really start eating good until
> > Sunday afternoon. I finally got her to start
> > drinking
> > some juice from a can of tuna yesterday.  She was
> a
> > little dehydrated this morning.
> > 
> > Cindy 
> > 
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