Hi Anne,
   With Bailey sometimes when it was getting to be feeding time he would hide, I'd have to find him and then there were tow times when I was feeding him and he jumped and ran, caught me completely by surprise.  Every time I got close to him he would run, it took me a few minutes both times to start feeding again.  I told my vet about it but since his blood work or other tests didn't indicate pancreatitis we didn't really consider it.  It was only after he passed we figured it out, by then it had turned into cancer.  Diarrhea is not a common symptom, vomiting would be more likely but some cats don't do that either.

Here are a few websites that talk about it:



(this page has measurements of what the normal feline pancreatic structure should be, maybe print it out and take to your vet as a guideline)



Here is a page with several links:

Bailey's symptoms were, lethargy, and weight loss, once he had the feeding tube he had discomfort when being fed, but his bloodwork, ultrasound, and xray all showed his organs as normal, except his spleen which was slightly enlarged but biopsies of that came back normal.  He started out being anemic, not sure if that is a symptom or not, but we attributed his lethargy and anorexia to that.  Once we had his bloodwork all normal again we couldn't figure out why he wasn't bouncing back.  It was pancreatitis all along.

   Jimi does not have diarrhea but it makes sense to ask for pancreatic testing.  Thanks, Belinda.  I will ask the vet next time.  I guess that could make him cry out and run after eating a bit, right?


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