Having lost my precious little soul Naomi a couple of days ago, and she
was only 4 months old ---"quality of life" means so much to me... Every
day, I loved her like there is no tomorrow because I knew that "time"
was not something we have had together.. I knew the time was running out
for me to be with Naomi. unfortunately Naomi, most of the time
especially towards the end of her life,, she neither had "time" or
"quality of life" as she was too weak to play.. whatever she had as a
illness, it could have been contagious to others.. but separating her
from her brother and sister and the rest of her family was not something
that I even had considered as a choise..she was and still is a part of
the family no matter what..

>From what I read...over 70% of cats have been exposed to the felk virus
in their life time sometime.. but they still don't get infected.. felk
like FIP.. it is a disease of their immune system, and not so much about
the virus itself... other kitties probably have already built immune
system to the virus..

I know it's a difficult decision to make and I cannot tell you what to
do... I try to do everything I can in my power to protect them.. but
sometimes they are not asking to be protected... they want their
freedom.. even if it means it's shortening their lives... they are not
afraid of death like we, human are.. they live in the moment.. and they
want to be "happy" in the moment they live in.. they don't think of the
future like we do.. and sometimes they get depressed if we try to do
something to protect them from what may or may not happed in the

Hard lesson, I learned some things are better untouched...and learned to
be comfortable by uncertainty.. don't be fearful of what could happen in
the future...


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marylyn
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 11:55 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Ellie separated from others - what should I do?


                                                 If you have men who
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with

their fellow man.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: Ellie separated from others - what should I do?

> As others have said, that's a call only you can make.  Imho, since
> already lived together for so long, any chance of infection has
> happened.  I think if your other 5 were going to get felv, they would
> by now.  The fact that Oreo tested pos and then re-tested neg tells me

> that he's probably already thrown the virus and is not in any danger.
> more you learn about felv, the more you'll see that it's one giant
> shoot.  The "safest" course of action is to put Ellie to sleep, the
> is to keep her separated.  To me these are both unacceptable.  I tend
> opt for quality over quantity anyway.  You'll get varying opinions
> what people on the list do.  One thing I can tell you, is that no
> what the outcome might have been, (none of my negs ever tested pos
> living with my pos cats for 2 years), I wouldn't have been sorry about
> decision.  I'm learning, slowly, that I don't have the sort of control

> that I once thought I did.  These days, I'm much better about making 
> decisions based on everyone's quality of life, rather than trying to
> everyone as "safe" as possible.  It's probably "safer" for Ellie to
> her secluded because she's more vulnerable to picking up disease from
> other cats.  If she's miserable though, is it worth it?  What ever you

> decide, make peace with it and accept the consequences, be they good
> bad.  What else can we do?
> Nina
> Kathi Clark wrote:
>> Yes, I do have Ellie separated from everyone else and it's breaking
>> heart; she's so lonely.  What should I do?
> -- 
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