
I also wanted to express my sadness at your kitty's passing.  Having just lost my beloved Monkee in the early morning hours of July 16, I can truly say that I feel your pain.  And sadly, I had just told my mother that this list serve has been really quiet...literally, since Monkee's passing.  That almost all of the topics discussed since he passed have been Off Topic.  It made me oddly happy to think that Monkee's passing kind of kicked off a period of peacefulness for the members of this group.  It just seemed like no one was really having any crises with their feleuk cats.  And, although another member's non-feleuk cat- Keisha- passed just before Monkee on that Sunday, from what I could tell, no one else has lost a cat since Monkee and Keisha-- almost two weeks of quiet.  I'm sure that sounds a little "out there," but I couldn't help but notice that in the wake of Monkee's death and it just really comforted me to think that no one else was having to go through what I've been going through these past almost two weeks.

For me, I realize that by having only Monkee, he was my absolute world and my house has been too quiet and lonely since he's been gone.  You have your other babies to focus on and to lean on, so take advantage of that.

Best of luck to you and the remainder of your babies.


From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Belinda, please add Miss Sue to the Candlelighting ceremony?
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 17:36:29 -0700 (PDT)

I'm really sorry to hear about Miss Sue's passing.  I hope you are doing ok.  Prayers going out for comfort for you.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----
From: anne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 3:42:57 PM
Subject: Belinda, please add Miss Sue to the Candlelighting ceremony?

   Miss Sue was not feline leukemia positive.  She was with me for 8 years and was 10 years old.  She died suddenly on Friday.  I suspect her poor heart as she was obese and although I was working on it with her and thought some progress was being made over the last year, it was very slow going.  I suspect she had a metabolic disorder, though, as her coat was always greasy and flecked with dandruff-like particles, ever since I first got her.
    She was a sweet and never complaining girl, very friendly to humans who visited, which is an oddity in itself at my house.  Most of my cats run and hide until the stranger is gone.  She always purred when I pet her and loved being combed and watching birds out the window.
    She was white with tabby-like striped patches.  She was loved by all who knew her. 
Thanks, Belinda,
Anne and angels Jimi Too Cool, Simms, Buggsy and Nala, all feline leukemia positive and lots of other fur covered friends in MI, including Sophie, who loves you all here

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