I am so sorry for your loss Kim.  Reading your note brought back so many 
memories of sadness, desperation and heartbreak of losing our Boo.  My heart 
truly aches for what you are going through.  You know you did the right 
thing for the little guy and if he could talk he would have told you that. 
He had a wonderful life and you both are amazing to have kept him well for 
over 6 years.  When we take on these precious beings we know eventually we 
are going to lose them, whether to disease or natural causes but we never 
seem willing to let them go.  I've learned a lot lately about letting go and 
as hard as it is we must always keep their best interests at heart.  You did 
the right thing, Sometimes extraordinary treatments for these little ones is 
worse than letting them pass humanly.

Bless you and Cole.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kim Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 12:59 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Cole's last fight

> It is with great sadness that I have to say that my Cole has lost his 
> fight. The last 2 weeks he has been recieving epogen shots two times a 
> week and we found out today that the shots have not improved his anemia. 
> He in fact got worse and his hemoglobin went down to 9% from 11% 2 weeks 
> ago. He has also lost an addition 1lb in 3 days because he would not eat. 
> It was the hardest thing ever to have to make the call in putting him to 
> sleep or not, but he has been so lethargic and down the last couple days, 
> I ha
> d no choice. He was not in good enough shape to even attempt any other 
> treatment at this point. I wish I would have caught this earlier and maybe 
> treatment would have been better. He had been living with Feline Leukemia 
> since birth and he lived to be almost 7, so at least I was blessed with 
> that time with him. Right now the hardest thing is to come home and not 
> have him waiting at the door for me. I am praying that I made the right 
> decision and didnt jump the gun on putting him to sleep, but I just could 
> no
> t take it if I knew that I was prolonging his suffering. I am having him 
> cremated and we are having a special urn made for him with his picture. 
> All I can say is that having Cole for a short 6 1/2 years was worth the 
> heartache I have now, he was my rock and was there for me when I needed 
> him and now it is my turn to be there for him. Thank you all for your 
> support and words of advice, it helped me make it through the 2 toughest 
> weeks of my life. I love you Cole.
> Kim
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