gloria, i'd love to see the link between ANTIBIOTICS, herpes and
lysine/arginine--since it's the latter the keeps the herpes from
replicating. there was just some research about using lysine in shelter
cats; it's on the winn feline foundation blog--if read incorrectly, makes it
sound as if lysine doesn't do anything, but the study wasn't designed to
test what lysine can do, but something it's never claimed to! in the last
three months, maybe even

zithromax is a wonder drug. in persians who come into rescue with symptoms
of uri, we don't even try other antibiotics, we head right for the

and kelley, i thought that cats process FeCoV out of their systems in most
cases after a few months if everyone in the house isn't just passing it back
in forth, or if new kitties aren't coming in--which is why cats in smaller
households are less likely to show high titres? my understanding--could be
wrong--is that the high percentage of cats (and humans) who test positive on
CoV titres is at "any one time"--so the same sample won't necessarily do so
the next time. grade-school teachers, for example, are going to be much more
likely to have higher titres more of the year than say, oh, 57-year-olds,
who stay home with their cats 6 days out of 7......

as for the age thing with FIP, the one thing i know for sure is that there
is mounting evidence (i'm not sure if they're declared it conclusive yet),
of a genetic predisposition for common strains of FeCoV to mutate into FIP,
so a predisposed cat whose immune system was able to prevent that earlier
might not be so able as its immune system failed with age. i just question
how many cases of unknown illnesses now diagnosed as FIP actually are. seems
it's the answer of choice when vets don't know what's going on, or don't
want to be bothered finding out, so somewhat more difficult to find


On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 7:35 AM, Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey Tonya, I might try some Azithromycin.  It's become my latest
> discovery to try for the unknown. I've used it mostly in cats/kittens
> with problem eyes.  I've read that some abx are said to affect Herpes,
> because of the relationship between the two amino acids lysine and
> arginine.  The zithro is more expensive, so that might be a
> deterrent.  IT's liquid, as are amoxi and clinidamycin, so you have to
> be able to squirt it in the mouth.
> Good luck,
> Gloria
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