Elevated liver enzymes can mean Hepatic lipidosis (liver failure). If he is
eating less than normal he can go into liver failure. If it is that, he is
critical. I would ask her for a copy of the blood work and ask her how
elevated they are and consider getting him to another vet/specialist (and/or
get the numbers and provide them to the Feline Assisted feeding group). You
might join the FAF yahoo group. Also, I do not know what elevated white
blood cells mean other than an infection. Maybe liver enzymes elevate during
infectious process ~ I don't know the answer. Sounds like you might benefit
from doing some internet research?? 
I had elevated liver enzymes and they discovered tumors on my liver. 

Good luck!
-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Sue & Frank Koren
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 9:26 AM
To: FeLV Talk
Subject: [Felvtalk] Elevated liver enzymes

Orlando, my 10 year old FeLV+ began urinating on the bathroom rug just over
a week ago.  I figured out who was doing it on Saturday and got him in to
the vet on Monday.  They tested his urine and blood and the vet called me
today with the results.  She said his liver enzymes are elevated and his
white cell levels are high.  She is going to put him on an antibiotic and
re-do the tests in two weeks.  (When I asked the name of the anti-biotic she
side stepped the question and just said is is a pill wrapped in foil. I am
currently looking for another vet because there is only one vet in this
practice that I fully trust and it is very hard to get to see him.) 
Anyway, can anyone tell me what would make his liver enzymes elevated?  The
advise I have gotten on this list has proved to be better then the advise
from this particular vet in the past, so I would very much appreciate any

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