last time, promise.  have you tried mackeral, all of my cats past and present 
love it.  it is stinkier than salmon.  we like stinky food.  dorlis
---- nancy denison <> wrote: 
> I have seven cats, the youngest being Taz was diagnosed with FeLv when she 
> started getting sick after about 1 month with my other negative kitties all 
> of which are vacinated.  I took Taz in to get her looked at and to get her 
> shots.  That's when they tested her for FeLv and she came back positive.  I 
> feed her stinky salmon and white tuna, some Fancy Feast kitten food and some 
> baby food, whatever I can get her to eat.  She hates the Science Diet the vet 
> recommended.  I'va also boiled chicken for her for the broth and meat.  I've 
> had her on Imulan and have seen some mixed results but she is gaining weight, 
> happy and bouncy so I'm continuing with the expensive treatments.  She also 
> get Pet Tinic everyday and DMG.  I've seperated her from my other cats, which 
> I hate because she was buddies with my three legged tuxedo kitty, but this 
> was recommended by the vet.  She said that vacinations are not a guarantee 
> against the disease if the cats are exposed to it enough. All of my kitties 
> are indoor kitties except one does get outdoor roaming priviledges because it 
> gives him a better attitude.  The rest of the cats get there outdoor stuff on 
> a large screened in porch basically built just for them.
> It's hard having a FeLv kitty because I travel so much for work which means I 
> board her at the vets while I'm gone which of course stresses her some.  The 
> people love her at the vet but I think it directly affects her wellness with 
> regard to the blood work-up and down.
> Sorry for the long diatribe.  
> Nancy
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