count on it.  God knows where these babies will find love and sends them out 
way.  even when another shows up, you will still miss Mickey and cry for your 
loss of him.  that is normal, for our love for them never really dies, just 
goes dormant from time to time.  then something pops up to remind us of them 
and we cry.  dorlis
---- Viky Digangi <> wrote: 
> Sherry,
> I feel for you.  It has been a week since I had to have my Mickey put down 
> and I can't stop crying.  He loved to be outside and the weather is finally 
> turning warmer and all I can think about is how much he would have enjoyed 
> being out in the warm sun.  I know it takes time to get over the loss of our 
> babies but it is so hard.  I see his little face everywhere.  Maybe God will 
> send me another baby who needs me. 
> Viky Digangi
> Support Enforcement Officer II
> Monroe Regional Office
> 318-362-5280 ext 297
> Fax 318-362-3363
> >>> Sherry DeHaan <> 03/04/09 7:46 PM >>>
> Well we sadly lost another one of our Sids kids.Flanagan was quite the spunky 
> boy.He was an orange tiger that LOVED to wash windows! He has had his ups and 
> downs in the passed six months.And just recently got a bunch of his feisty 
> silliness back,even just this Monday he helped me do the special feedings and 
> kept me company.He passed away during the night last night and I feel for the 
> volunteers that went in and found him this morning.I would have been 
> devastated.We knew his time was getting shorter but he just made a major 
> comeback.Maybe he was just giving us a last glimpse of the Flanny we have ALL 
> came to love.We love you baby boy.
> Sherry
> "We who choose to surround ourselves with lives more temporary
> than our own,
> Live within a fragile circle,easily and often breached.
> Unable to accept its awful gaps.
> We still would have it no other way"
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