On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Stray Cat Alliance <
stray_cat_allia...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Respectfully Patrica, I could not agree less. A positive result does not
> mean death is imminent. A healthy cat can suddenly become ill - just like
> people - does that mean that cat should be euthanized? This is a "what if"
> scenario.
Realities of life in kill shelters - cats are killed for having URI,
ringwom, and other things that are 100% curable.  Here locally they do not
necessarily kill cats who test pos for FELV and FIV, but few rescues will
take them, and they won't put them in their adoption program, so I'd say
while 70% of all cats at our local kill shelter are killed, maybe 95-99% of
FELV+ cats are killed.  This list can be a great networking tool in placing
FELV+ cats, we just placed one in January, but we really do not have fosters
who will/can take them, she was an anomaly we found outside.

> You have done marvelous things in placing all of those cats. I think the
> problem is that we need massive spay/neuter programs - targeting pets of low
> income individuals and feral cats. Also shelters should not accept feral
> cats at all as they will simply be euthanized there. Instead,
> Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is the answer - the only proven method. Pet cats of
> low income who cannot afford spay/neuter often roam and give birth to feral
> cats who supply an incredible amount of kittens to rescues and shelters.

Unfortunately I have pushed for our local kill shelter to not accept feral
cats and they refuse to even consider it.  It is very forward thinking to
not accept ferals.  San Antonio, TX does not, I believe Erie County NY
doesn't, maybe yall can name some other places.

We have a spay/neuter program called HATS (Homebound Animal Transport
Services) in which we take animals of the elderly and homebound to be
spayed/neutered at no cost to them.  We also do TNR work.  But the money
isn't there for us to do it on a "massive" scale.

> Spay/neuter itself is the one thing that does the most to reduce the
> occurence of these viruses (FIV and Felv).
> I agree completely.


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