yeah, i figured that you weren't making a black-and-white statement,
but too many people DO: assuming that sanctuaries, big or small,
SHOULD be open at all hours of the day, and that both the cats and the
humans should welcome strange people showing up at all hours of the

i'd still like to come up with a checklist for what a sanctuary
setting should be--and folks, it's NOT always gonna be what a home
will be! michael and tad and gary have homelike settings, but not
every decent place does, and there are often choices that are made
that we might not make for our personal cats. until, however, you're
willing to open your life to these "undesirables," you're not there,
having to make those choices.....

i'd like there to be a checklist that's realistic, and then a group of
folks who are willing to visit the places in their area where people
can't always get to themselves, to do a home visit. i don't think it's
always possible for people to visit a facility themselves, even if
that's what they'd prefer--i know that physically and financially, i
couldn't make a trip out to say, michael's--but i would trust susan's
judgment, or yours, belinda......

too many places cropping up in the past year or so calling themselves
"sanctuaries," when no one has ever heard of them. makes me nervous.
(micheal, i know you're not new, just choosing to be less public,
which is a very reasonable response considering what has happened to
so many good places.....)

just me, being objective as usual.


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)

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