In the past we have talked about shelters that call themselves NO KILL but
as soon as the cat tests pos for FeLV it is KILLED....
I think we have just had such a case here in Mass....
It appears that a rescue went to pull a cat and get it on a transport
to an adopter... The cat then tested pos.  The rescue put a cry for
help at 5:30 the end of the day... Later that evening I replied and said
I could help.... Next thing I heard was that the cat had been PTS
and rescue wasn't going to say any more....
 Sounds like the OLD SCHOOL still lives where when a cat tests pos
he is immediately PTS....

MaryChristine wrote:

they owe much of their ability to have a different attitude toward
dumping to the fact that they have an enormous amount of land, they're
out in the middle of nowhere so that they don't have folks just
driving by every day, that they started out with a
much-larger-than-usual core group of dedicated, committed people, and
they have a very large group of volunteers.

many smaller places have few if any of those attributes.

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