A/D is a specially prepared canned cat food that is high nutrition and very 

As far as tofu is concerned, I have cats who like soy products but it is not 
nutritionallly complete for cats so I would not let a cat try to live oin it.  
But I'll give most cats whatever appeals to them as a treat,.

----- Original Message ----
From: "dlg...@windstream.net" <dlg...@windstream.net>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Cc: Emily Hunter <emilyofw...@aol.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:08:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Question about A/D

ok, it is getting late and my brain is fuzzy - what is A/D?  IS TOFU GOOD FOR 
---- Emily Hunter <emilyofw...@aol.com> wrote: 
> Just a quick question for future referrence, since all of my babies  
> are eating fine at the moment. I'm considering just keeping some of  
> the A/D on hand since my cats don't always get sick when the vet's  
> open. How long is it generally good for? In addition to Tofu being  
> positive, I've been cautioned to really keep a close eye on our 20-lbs- 
> er. (He is fat, but he and his littermates all have huge frames as  
> well, so 20lbs, while not being good, isn't quite as bad as it seems.  
> He is losing weight slowly since I've taken most of the treats away  
> from Mom!)
> -Emily
> Sent from my iPhone
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