Oh Amy--WOlfie sounds like such a spunky little character!  If he's jumping
on the bed, etc., then he's still spry enough to do the stairs.  And you
know, when he can't do it, he won't try.  He might just start meowing at the
bottom or top of the stairs when he wants help going up or down.  Cats are
pretty sharp about stuff like that-LOL.  So if it were me, I'd keep an eye
but wouldn't restrict him or the other kitties at this point. My guess is
that he'd hate the restrictions...   

Christiane Biagi

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 2:27 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] Restricting cat from stairs

Wondering if people would offer an opinion.  My cat, Wolfie, has rear leg
weakness that is getting progressively worse.  He's been seen by numerous
vets and it's not going to get any better.  I'm guessing the leukemia is
finally getting the best of him.  

Anyway, I'm just wondering how much I should let him do.  Initially my vet
said not to restrict him, that letting him use the muscles was good for
them.  He is now starting to stumble or sit more often.  He doesn't totally
fall over or anything, just gets a bit wobbly or sits down.  If he's on
linoleum, he has much less control of his legs.  He is still jumping up and
down on my bed, eating, purring, laying on my chest, going up and down
stairs, etc.  I don't want him to get hurt and him doing the stairs makes me
so nervous.  On the other hand, I don't want to restrict him out of fear.  I
talked to the receptionist at the vet and she said if it was her cat, the
stairs would be off limits.  This will be so tough because I have 3 other
cats, 1 very shy one that hides in the basement and only comes out when my
son is sleeping.  I would have to force her to stay in the basement or out
of the basement (as opposed to having access to the cat door in the
 basement door).  The last thing I want is to see Wolfie get hurt but I
can't seem to think that if he gets to a point where he can't do the stairs,
he will stop doing them.  Is that foolish?  He is such an opinionated,
strong-willed cat and I know he will not be pleased if I restrict him in any

Oh and he doesn't have to do any stairs.  He has food, water, and litter on
all floors.  He just chooses to.




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