Hi Georgetta,
A negative snap is not always negative.  I rescued a litter of 5 six
week olds, sickly runt was immediately quarantined, Elisa tested
positive at seven weeks old.  Her siblings were first tested at eight
weeks old, all negative.  One brother came down with a high fever at
fourteen weeks, retested positive.  He was probably so newly infected
at the time of the first test that he didn't have enough antigens? or
antibodies? (can never remember which one the test looks for) in his
system yet.  Both of my positives are now gone, their 3 vaccinated
siblings remained negative.  I know it is not practical for rescues to
hang on to a kitten for months waiting to retest and confirm the
negatives, but FWIW I don't really trust a single snap test, positive
or negative, especially if it is done too soon after the cat's last
possible exposure.

Beth N.

> One question I have for the FeLV group - How young do you test for FeLV?   I 
> know there is the concern about maternal antibodies triggering a false 
> positive, but if a Negative is really a Negative on the Snap (ELISA) test... 
> shouldn't you be able to test pretty young/small kittens, provided you can 
> draw the blood required?  I know there might be a greater chance of a false 
> positive, but taking the into account, you should be able to "clear" at a 
> pretty young age, maybe 3-4 weeks?  That way you could clear the negatives 
> and relax a bit, then be supercareful to keep the + kittens in quarantine as 
> long as necessary to clear or confirm!
> Any experience or insight would be greatly appreciated.  (I am ccing to 
> orphankittens and the feralcats groups for more input.)
> Thanks and good luck with your cats and kittens,
> Georgetta (back from today's PETCO adoptions - placed just 2 older kittens in 
> 4 hours - neither were any of the 8 I took to show for adoption... sigh... 
> wish me better luck tomorrow.)
> www.CatsCradleRescue.org

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