i think we all questions what we did or did or did not do.  i keep asking 
myself what i missed that might have saved Bob's life.  was he giving me 
signals that i just did not pick up on.  all we can do is learn from each 
experience.  i am sure Cheshire and Bob know and understood.  they knew they 
were loved of that i am sure.

---- Claudia Veiga <elisasta...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> My sweet, beautiful little Cheshire crossed the rainbow bridge last Wednesday 
> night.  She had only been sick for less than 10 days.  She was on antibiotics 
> and some pred for 10 days for gum problems.  I was going to schedule her 
> for a 
> cleaning in a few weeks, but her health seemed to decline a few days after 
> that.  She started hiding under the bed, and not eating, when seh came out, I 
> saw a growth on her throat area, adn took her to the vet.  They weren't sure 
> if 
> it was a abcess or worse. I took her back seveveral times over the course of 
> 6 
> days, she had to be given fluids through IV, and I syringe fed her.  I've 
> never 
> been through anything like this before.  I was praying for her.  On wednesday 
> they told me they couldn't do surgery to remove the cyst 'cause she was so 
> anemic and her blood count was so low, it looked like she had leukemia.  The 
> only thing to do was bring her home or try to get her more help at the vet 
> hospial where they have cancer specialists for a transfusion.  I brought her 
> there.  They had an extensive list of treatment for her, and costs.  It was 
> stressful.  
> I gave them permission for treatment and a deposit before they could do 
> anything.  They told me she started to go into distress when put in the 
> Oxygen 
> tank and tube, I wanted them to do whatver they could to help her, and 
> Cheshire 
> blinked at me when I was in the room with her right next to her.  She wasn't 
> really blinking before that as whe had a tube in her mouth that was helping 
> her 
> breath.    
> This was so painful for me.  Her heart gave out, and that's how she went.  I 
> don't know if anyone on here has been through anything like this, but I've 
> wondered if by brining her to that hospital and trhing to get here more help 
> to 
> stabilize her for a transfusion caused her more distresss that lead to her 
> passing?  I've talked to the doctors who told me no, that didn't do it, she 
> was 
> just very sick,a nd even if i'd brought her home, she would haev 
> onyl survived a 
> few days or 24 hours.  I even had jsut bought the Mega C plus which I had 
> heard 
> good things about reversing felv.  
> I told her how much I love her and she knows that until I see her again.
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