It also makes a big difference WHERE the abscess is located.  If it's higher
up and isn't able to drain on its own, chances of infections are much
greater and more serious than if it were located on the side or underneath
where it CAN drain on its own.  I had one cat years ago that was bitten by
another cat on top of her neck...she had to have a drain, which we had to
flush out every day.
I always hate it when a cat dies at the vet's overnight...I worry about how
they felt, were they afraid, all alone, etc.  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of LauraM
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My cat Cheshire crossing over

Tiger (non FeLV) also had an abcess on his throat. It was drained but came
back so fast. And his white blood cell count dropped so dramatically in two
weeks that my vet thought he had leukemia, also. They had never seen
anything like it. I also kept asking myself if there was anything I could
have done, or anything I should have noticed. Then I realized that his
infection came on so very quickly and with such strength that there probably
wasn't a thing that could be done about it. Still, I have felt guilty for a
month. He died overnight at the vet. I wanted the best for him, but I wish I
could have been with him so he didn't have to die alone.

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