I also never saw your original post on Lydia, so I don't know what her 
condition is or what led you to have these tests to begin with. My Fuji had an 
HCT of 17 about 8 weeks ago.  I was very concerned she would need a 
transfusion.  She has since bounced back and hasn't had the anemia since.  She 
does get chemotherapy for lymphoma, but because of a low wbc/neu count cannot 
get treatments.  She has only had two treatments since the beginning of August. 
 At the point where her HCT was so low, I was convinced it was non-regerative 
because it had been steadily declining.  It seems that wasn't the case!  Don't 
give up on your kitty yet!  I personally believe that each one has their own 
special ability to fight.  

On Oct 2, 2010, at 5:09 AM, jbero tds.net wrote:

> Anndrea,
> First, my greatest sympathy for your current situation.
> Second, this is the first email I've seen concerning Lydia so I don't know
> anymore than what's in this email.  Here's what I can tell you:
> 1. felv, especially in younger cats and kittens can be horrible.
> 2.  The main problems Lydia has, according to lab work, are severe anemia
> (hematocrit of 16%) with a very minimal to almost non regenerative anemia
> and a lymphocytosis (lots of lymphocytes)
> Anemia is defined as low red blood cells - red blood cells carry oxygen and
> carbon dioxide, without them you're in trouble.
> Regenerative anemia is when your bone marrow is making new red blood cells
> (this is evidenced by the presence of nucleated red blood cells i.e.
> NRBCs).
> The problem Lydia has is that her red blood cell count is very low and her
> bone marrow is not effectively making new ones.  The hard part about felv is
> that the virus infects the cells of the bone marrow and basically kills
> their ability to make new cells or causes them to make cancerous cells.
> Red blood cells only live on average three months.  If Lydia does not make
> new rbcs her old ones will die and she will become more anemic.  This is why
> some people chose to do blood transfusions.  You will have to do
> transfusions multiple times and unless there is some way to inhibit the
> virus or kill it, the bone marrow will continue to not make healthy rbcs.
> There are some variations on this theme and nothing in medicine is one
> hundred percent, but I have seen this stage in a felv cat more than once.  I
> have never successfully beaten it for any decent period of time.
> 3.  The additional remarks at the end of your lab work are really just
> describing features of rbcs or platelets.  Rouleax means the rbcs are
> sticking together, poikliocytosis means the rbcs are irregular in size and
> shape.
> 4.  The elevated lymphocytes suggest either they are attempting to kill the
> virus or that there could be a lymphoma.
> 5.  The bilirubin levels are barely elevated.  If higher they could suggest
> liver problems or a process of hemolytic anemia (felv cats often get this
> from a hemobartonella infection that infects the rbcs and destroys them)  It
> is barely elevated and there was no mention of agglutination of the cells so
> I don't think she has this infection.
> 6.  How you chose to proceed is a difficult question.  Different people have
> had different experiences, but mine have never been good once they have
> gotten to this point.  You could try all kinds of things like LTCI
> injections, mannitol, transfusions, epogen, anemoaid, pet-tinic and others
> people in this group could suggest.  For me, I believe we have to try
> something new since theses seem to only sporadically work.  If they work
> for Lydia that would be absolutely fabulous and I would love to know, step
> by step, exactly what you did.
> 7.  There is something that hasn't been tried, to the best of my knowledge,
> by anyone in this group.  It is an herbal tonic comprised of four herbs
> known to fight cancer and have multiple other medicinal properties.  There
> is no guarantee, but I don't think it would hurt to try.  Unfortunately, you
> don't have a whole lot of time to come to a decision.  She is at a low
> hematocrit and will need some form of intervention shortly.
> I am sorry I don't have more to offer than this, but I pray that it helps
> you in some way.  God bless you in this one and if I can help you in any
> other way, please let me know.
> Jenny
> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:12 AM, Anndrea DeLozier
> <unspecifie...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I asked some questions a couple days or so ago, and got some wonderful
>> responses! However, I have not figured out how to reply to messages on
>> here,
>> so I am starting a new thread.hope that's ok.
>> I got Lydia's lab work and it reads as follows (I am only posting the tests
>> that came up outside the normal range):
>> Globulin=2.8 (should be between 3.0-5.6)
>> Total Bilirubin=0.5 (should be between 0.0-0.4)
>> Direct Bilirubin=0.4 (should be between 0.0-0.2)
>> Cholesterol=68 (should be between 82-218)
>> Glucose=153 (should be between 70-150)
>> Potassium-3.6 (should be between 3.9-5.3)
>> A/G Ratio=1.2 (should be between 0.4-0.8)
>> RBC=3.44 (should be between 6.0-10.0)
>> HCT=16.0 (should be between 29-45)
>> NRBC=5 (should be between 0-2/100 WBC.WBC=9.1 - should be between 4.2-15.6)
>> Neutrophil Seg=18 (should be between 35-75)
>> Lymphocytes=57 (should be between 20-55)
>> Monocytes=5 (should be between 1-4)
>> Eosinophil=20 (should be between 2-12)
>> Auto Platelet=70 (should be between 170-600)
>> Then there's these, I have no clue what these (and most of the above) are.
>> Poikilocytosis - Slight
>> Platelet Comments - Platelets appear moderately decreased (50,000-120,000)
>> Remarks: WBC Corrected for presence of nucleated RBC's
>>                   Acanthocytes - slight
>>                   Rouleaux
>>                   Slide reviewed microscopically
>> Absolute Neutrophil Seg = 1638 (should be between 2500-12500)
>> Everything else showed as in the normal ranges listed with them.
>> At the top of the first page it says:
>> Reticulocyte count=0.7 (should be between 0-1)
>> Absolute reticulocyte=24080 (should be between 0-50,000)
>> "An absolute reticulocyte count greater than 50,000 of blood is considered
>> evidence of regenerative anemia."
>> Degree of regeneration: (aggregate reticulocytes)
>>                        <15,000 - NONE
>>                          50,000 - SLIGHT
>>                        100,000 - MODERATE
>>> 200,000 - MARKED
>> FeLV antigen (ELISA) - POSITIVE (result has been duplicated)
>> I hope this isn't too long to post.I had no idea what people would or
>> wouldn't want to know. These results are of blood that was drawn on 9/17, I
>> have no idea what her numbers are now.
>> I did get her eating some stage 2 meat baby food. She's only eaten half a
>> jar, but that is more food in the last 24 hours than she probably ate the
>> few days before that.and before the baby food her food mostly consisted of
>> water. I am not force feeding at this time, since she sniffs it and eats on
>> her own, and drinks water on her own when she's thirsty.
>> She does seem to have some difficulty swallowing, but she is still getting
>> food and water down.
>> Also, what is the correct dosage of Pet Tinic for her? She is MAYBE 5lbs,
>> and the bottle says : dogs and cats 2.5 ml per 25lbs of body weight. So she
>> should get a fifth of that, which would be 0.5ml, right?
>> Thanks to anyone who has helped and might help in the future.and sorry
>> again
>> for making this so long.
>> ~Anndrea
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