Hi, Pam....go to this link again, it explains the testing under "How is FeLV detected"

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pam Norman" <pam_nor...@charter.net>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Question re positives & negatives

Great link, thank you, Lynda!


On 4/15/2011 1:59 PM, Lynda Wilson wrote:

I've done a lot of research myself and I asked my vet many questions. Here is a link that was very helpful to me and I had my vet review this in case she had a difference of opinion. This is very accurate information. I think it will answer many of your questions. Here is the link:

I will say that it's not worth the risk getting your other cats infected to socialize Poppy. She will be fine confined, just give her as much attention as possible at least until she has been cleared of the virus (meaning she is not permanently positive for leukemia).

Also, I am in the same boat as you. My kitten (Crash) that I fostered, then adopted turned out to be FeLV negative this past Nov. 2010. On March 10, 2011 he had to be put down because he was in very bad shape. He was anemic, had a hear murmur and his oxygen level was next to nothing. He was fine 2 days prior. I actually took him in because he did not have a bowel movement in 2 days (we were treating him for diarrhea) and I just thought his new food was working well. Now my Ragdoll cat is at risk because I did not get him vaccinated against leukemia because he is strictly and indoor cat. So far, he has been negative but will test again on May 9th. I so want to get him another companion. It keeps him active and it's such a joy to watch to kitties play. Had I known that Crash was contagious with leukemia, I would have never exposed my other cat. This disease is fatal, with no cure. But I will say that the vaccine is not 100% (but none of them are) effective at all times, but it's better than not being protected at all.

I hope that Poppy's immune system clears the virus. You may also get her siblings tested again to be safe and the mother as well.

Good luck! I hope this info helps!!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Pam Norman" <pam_nor...@charter.net>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 1:00 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Question re positives & negatives

I am trying to determine what to do with Poppy both now & when the IFA test results come in. I've been reading & reading & from what I can gather, the old dictums about NEVER havinig positive & negative cats even in the same house has been abandoned. From what I have read, the general sense is that it's fine for positives & negatives to be in the same home, but should be separate so there is no chance of exchanging fluids such as with a bite, but more importantly with mutual grooming. But I know also that some of you have both positives & negatives really living together, not separate. Right?

What about if I put Poppy in her condo in the spare bedroom & let me cats visit, so at least she SEES other cats. What is she hisses & spits? Would that have a chance of infecting any of mine who were nosing around her condo? My feeling is that it would.

Also how effective is the vaccine these days? I know that some years ago the figure was about 30% so I never had any of my cats vaccinated. Has it been improved?

Right now we are still waiting for the IFA test for Poppy. And I guess she needs retesting on that in at least a month. I do NOT want to keep her alone until then. We have a sanctuary for her if she tests IFA positive cause then we know that she is really positive. But the person who runs it tells me that regardless of how she tests on the IFA, she HAS leukemia. Period. And would go in with the positive cats. But my understanding is that if she is IFA negative, she has a chance of fighting it off & putting her in with the positives is giving up. I think she should only go in with the positives if she tests IFA positive.

Can anyone help me sort this out?


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