Wow, after looking in to FIP, it does sound like that could be what is
going on.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Amani Oakley <>

> Then get the Winstrol ASAP. My cat was in an oxygen tent and his
> haemotocrit was down to 5 before I got the Winstrol into him.
> The abdominal pain sounds more like FIP, to be honest, but I have a FIP
> cat who also responded remarkably to the Winstrol, so same advice. Call the
> vet today and speak to him about getting the Winstrol right away. I
> understand that it can be injected though I have never done that. If the
> vet is able, starting with an injection might give Merlot a faster boost.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-19-15 12:04 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot
> Thanks for the advice re. the winstrol. I am honestly concerned about him
> making it past the next few days.
> His abdomen is really sore/tense/uncomfortable and he complains heavily
> when being moved/picked up/palpated. Do you have any idea if that fits with
> the FeLV?
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Amani Oakley <>
> wrote:
> Maya
> I would be pretty sure that the platelet drop is from FeLV and I am not
> sure why that is stumping the vets. FeLV can attack any one of the three
> cell lines (red cells, white cells and platelets) because it effects the
> bone marrow where these cells are all produced. Thus, when FeLV begins to
> affect a cat, you can get a drop in one or two or all three of the cell
> lines.
> In addition to the treatment he is getting, ask the vet to put him on
> Winstrol. I have posted here many times, and will again, that Winstrol is
> the only medication I found effective that actually turned back on the cell
> production of the bone marrow. He can remain on the prednisolone and the
> Doxycycline. Even though the Doxycycline is an antibiotic and thus not
> effective against viruses, my vets have said that they have gotten some
> positive results from using it with FeLV cats. I used it with my cat, in
> addition to the Prednisolone and the Winstrol, but having used the
> Doxycycline and Prednisolone WITHOUT the Winstrol first, I can confirm that
> it was the Winstrol that did the trick (confirmed by weekly monitoring of
> my cat’s blood work – checking specifically for haematocrit levels, RBC
> levels, Reticulocyte levels, white cells (total, neutrophils and
> leukocytes) and platelet counts. (I have posted this before, but just so
> that you know, before moving to Winstrol, I had my cat on Interferon –
> which did nothing to his blood work results at all – and then LTCI – which
> again had no positive result on the bloodwork.)
> Winstrol (Stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid which usually is required to
> be ordered from a compounding pharmacy. The dose I used was 1 mg 2x a day.
> If you want to confirm the effectiveness as I did, place Merlot on the
> Winstrol and after a week or two, run his haematology blood work again. You
> should start seeing a nudging up of the red cells, although the platelet
> counts in my cat at least, were the last to respond to the Winstrol. Don’t
> give up if there is no change in 2 weeks, and you will likely also get a
> bump up in his appetite and his general feeling of wellbeing (playing,
> purring, etc.)
> Merlot may start having his liver enzymes rise. Resist the urge or the
> advice of your vet to discontinue the Winstrol. The liver enzymes will very
> likely drop after he is weaned off the Winstrol, and for the time being,
> the more important thing is to deal with his failing bone marrow.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-19-15 10:10 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot
> Merlot was admitted to the vet hospital this morning. His fever is
> persisting and we still have no idea as to cause. Last night they tested
> for pancreatitis and that test came back normal. He got sub-Q fluids and
> they sent him home with us. He has vomitted a few times and he has not
> really kept down any nutrition since Saturday morning. They just did an
> x-ray but there is no obvious issue. They are going to do a barium contrast
> imaging series now after they administer IV fluids and antibiotics in hope
> that his fever will come down.
> The worst part is that we still really have no idea what is going on, so I
> am just waiting to hear and worrying :(
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Marsha <> wrote:
> Treatment depends on the cause of the low platelet count.  If it's low
> enough that blood can't clot properly, he could develop internal bleeds
> from minor events, and become anemic or worse.  If the cause was his immune
> system attacking his own platelets, the treatment might be prednisolone to
> suppress his immune system.  But if he's FeLV+, that's not so likely.
> Platelet deficiency is called thrombocytopenia.
> Marsha
> On 10/18/2015 1:54 PM, Maya D'Alessio wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> Merlot is my 3.5 year old cat. Last summer my other cat passed away from
> FeLV (we had no idea she had it), and we had Merlot tested. He tests + on
> the snap/pcr test, but - on the ELISA. This gave me a little bit of piece
> of mind, in the hope that he would not become persistently +.
> Last night he was completely uninterested in dinner (very unusual for
> him), and he seemed a bit warm and lethargic. I took him in to the vets
> this morning and they wanted to do bloodwork. He has a temperature of 40.5
> C. First results come back all normal except a very low platelet count.
> They gave him a small dosage of prednisone, and a shot of penicillin and
> sent me home with doxycillin and some food to force feed him if he won't
> eat on his own. They want me to watch him and come back in to the vets in 3
> days to re-test his blood.
> Any experience with low platelet count, what that means and if there is
> any treatment?
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> _______________________________________________
> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> _______________________________________________
> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
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> Felvtalk mailing list

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo
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