Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with polyprenyl immunostimulant

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Margo <toomanykitti...@earthlink.net>

> My experience has been similar in a way, but much more positive. Both of
> my two boys get sick. Bloodwork came back normal (surprisingly), even his
> CBC. Turns out he had a UTI, which is really very unusual in cats with
> normal kidney values. He's back to normal (for him). Gribble occasionally
> crashes hard, but he goes right on abx or an anti=viral, depending on the
> symptoms.
> So far (knocking madly on wood) they both bounced back from just the
> symptoms you describe in Merlot.
> Yes. FeLV is fatal. Life is fatal. Whatever the cause and the time frame,
> everyone will die.
> But I don't feel obligated to make _That Decision_ because a cat with FeLV
> stops eating and hides. There are too many ways to support them
> temporarily, and give them a chance, while not letting them suffer. Many
> times they come back.
> Sometimes they don't. I go cat by cat.
> Margo
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Lorrie <felineres...@frontier.com>
> >Sent: Oct 19, 2015 11:23 AM
> >To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot
> >
> >Sometimes with a Felv pos. cat they get sick and the vet never does
> >actually find a cause, they simply go downhill. This has happened to
> >me many times, and when the cat or kitten won't eat and starts
> >hiding, I know it is time for him/her to be PTS.  Tthis is a terrible
> >decision to make, but dying slowly and painfully is worse. Felv can
> >cause so many different things happen to a cat, but it is a fatal
> >condition and positive cats always die.  Sometimes it's months and
> >other times years, but FelV is fatal. Vets try all kinds of things to
> >save them, but have not found a cure.  I'm not saying you are going
> >to lose Merlot, but this is what I've experienced with Felv pos.
> >cats.
> >
> >Lorrie
> >
> >
> >
> >On 10-19, Maya D'Alessio wrote:
> >>    Merlot was admitted to the vet hospital this morning. His fever is
> >>    persisting and we still have no idea as to cause. Last night they
> >>    tested for pancreatitis and that test came back normal. He got sub-Q
> >>    fluids and they sent him home with us. He has vomitted a few times
> and
> >>    he has not really kept down any nutrition since Saturday morning.
> They
> >>    just did an x-ray but there is no obvious issue. They are going to
> do a
> >>    barium contrast imaging series now after they administer IV fluids
> and
> >>    antibiotics in hope that his fever will come down.
> >>    The worst part is that we still really have no idea what is going on,
> >>    so I am just waiting to hear and worrying :(
> >>
> >
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Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
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University of Waterloo
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