Cherrot wrote:
> /"Try using 'padsp festival' instead of just 'festival' when running it,
> because you may need to use that wrapper for /dev/dsp to exist in that
> context."/
> It works! Thank you indeed!
My pleasure.
> /I guess if there were enough interest I could clean the notes up into a
> HOWTO to save other people this kind of pain?/
> Of course there are. And I'm looking forward it :-)
For what it's worth, because it makes no sense to reinvent the wheel, I have 
just pinged an email over to the authors of the "The Linux Sound HOWTO" & "The 
Linux Sound Playing HOWTO", to see if they are alive and well, want help, or 
want to hand over maintenance of their HOWTO's to someone else, and we can go 
from there.


Kev "Kyrian" Green.                        WWW:
Linux Security + Hosting + Admin/LAMP Coder @

      When I spit in the eye of the gods, then I will smile

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