For those interested in spinning yarns that are 
lower in twist and hence softer in handle, Paula 
Simmons' book, _Spinning for Softness and Speed_ 
is back in print!

I got an email from the printer.  They have sent 
me a link, 
which lists the book.  Apparently online ordering 
isn't quite available (will be soon), but you can 
call 604.795.5992 and talk to Amber or Sheri to order.

I cherish my copy from when this book was first 
printed - and when I was lucky enough to see Paula 
at SOAR back in 2004 when it was in northern 
Michigan, I got her to autograph it :)  The book 
revolutionized my spinning the way Elizabeth 
Zimmerman's _Knitting Without Tears_ did my 
knitting.  I'm really glad it's back in print.


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