>At 10:29 AM 07/14/02, Don Hart wrote:
>>Related to my last post is the lack of a cancel button in the "There are too
>>many beats in this measure" dialog. It'd be nice to have it back.
>>I guess it's more in the "fixing what's not broke" category, because I don't
>  >recall ever not having the option before.
>Yes, this is definitely a request I would concur in.  I often get this
>message in Speedy when I've screwed up and entered a note that I didn't
>mean to enter. In the version I'm using (Fin Mac 2k2) I have to pick one of
>the choices and then Speedy exits the measure.  What I really want to do is
>abort and go back to the same measure so I can fix the error myself.

I agree that this would be a good thing, but I should point out that 
(at least in the Mac version) the old Cancel button didn't do that. 
It's effect was exactly the same as that produced if you clicked the 
Leave Measure Alone radio button and then OK: the editing frame wd. 
advance to the next measure. It was because of this identity of 
effect that the Cancel button was eliminated in the first place, but 
I do think it should be restored, but with a proper effect as 
described above.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press


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