On Wednesday, Sep 25, 2002, at 13:56 US/Pacific, David W. Fenton wrote:


> Windows APIs allow the programmer to distinguish right and left for 
> all the shift keys.

Just to clear up some terminology here, on Macintosh, we call these 
variously modifier keys, modifiers, accelerator keys, hot keys, or 
command keys. Never "shift keys". Using that term seems somewhat quaint.

> Seems to me that the philosophy that asserts that PageUp and PageDown 
> keys should not move the cursor because one can use the various shift 
> keys on the arrow keys would mean that you wouldn't need Home and End 
> for cursor movement, either.

Yes, we can use Command-Up/Down Arrow for that. This choice is 
consistent amongst all the text editors I have used except for MPW 
Shell which uses Command-Option-Arrow. The approximate user ratio of 
other text editors to MPW Shell users would be about 99 to 1.

> Is Apple consistent in using shift keys on the arrows for moving the 
> cursor to the beginning or end of a line/document?

For beginning/end of a line in every text editor it's 
Command-Left/Right Arrow.

[EMACS like bindings]:

>> In Finale, this would be on a per/tool basis. There are no platform 
>> issues with this method because it's already been ported to both Mac 
>> and Windows. Just bind the keys as appropriate per OS (or user).

> What happens when Coda does the right things and removes tool modality 
> entirely?

Then they will be totally user assigned.

> In case you've missed the last 20 years of UI design, modality is 
> considered a BAD thing.

Opinions on modality are like trends or fashions. In this year out the 
next. I'm kinda surprised that a person of your stated experience 
wouldn't have seen through this absurd UI political correctness long 

In addition, I didn't say that every one had to take advantage of modal 
key bindings. What I said was: "as voiced on the Macintosh in the Alpha 
editor". Obviously you have no experience with that editor because 
otherwise you would have realized that modal bindings are overrides to 
the global key binding state and if a user can't use or comprehend the 
advantages of modality, then they can turn them off. Most Alpha user 
wouldn't do this however because that's exactly what they want.

Philip Aker

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