In the extensive hash of this subject, I've lost sight of how the below part
works. I *KNOW* that the computer I now use will be replaced before I get
through using F2K4 but after I purchase it. I thought I understood that
somehow the program could be/would be de-activated on the old machine
through some sort of authorization transfer, thus leaving me STILL with two
authorizations possible. The statement below sounds like I'll lose one when
I change machines. Surely I am not understanding it right.

It's a little like kidneys: two are best but one will work, though from that
point on you'd worry about losing that ONE! I prefer always to be able to
have two, whether it's authorizations OR kidneys...


> From: "Robert Patterson Finale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The statement is correct so long as you keep your current computer (actually
> optionally 2 of em) running as long as you live. But most people upgrade
> computers periodically, or have hard drive crashes, etc. When that happens,
> you'll have to get a new reg code, and that means MM has to be there and able
> to provide it.

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