I am afraid you are missing the point. The EPS files Finale used to produce
were in vector format, which has a lot of advantages over bitmap formats
like TIFF. No way can Graphic converter convert Bitmap TIFFs into proper
vector EPS, so this is completely useless.

I think this discussion has reached a point where I'd like to say this: If
you never used EPS and don't know what they are for you will probably not
understand why others need them so desperately. Fact is, we do need them,
badly. Let's not try to find any more work arounds of this nature, nothing
but EPS will do for us, sorry. And we, or at least I, need them produced
directly in Finale, in the same way it worked before. And I also need Finale
to import EPS files properly, the way it worked before.


Thanks for the explanation. I am on this list to learn new and better ways to use Finale. You'll get plenty of allies for taking the time to clearly lay out your concerns. Also, I agree that the onus is on MakeMusic to solve this quickly. The work arounds don't work on any level. As I said in a previous email: "Ultimately the solution lies with MakeMusic to correct things."

-Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

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