I have a Mac SE running System 6.

I have a bunch of Microsoft Word documents on 800K floppies.

Is there any way to get those documents to a PC?

1. I would first try a USB external floppy on a modern mac. Copy the data, burn it to one CD and put that in the PC

2. Or if current USB floppy drives cant read 800k I would find a Powermac or something with had a floppy drive and ethernet. get the data off, then use a crossover cable to connect to a mac with a CD burner, and burn the data onto a CD (or whack it onto a USB flash drive)

3. The other method of networking that I have used is the internet. Get files on mac - Email them to myself (or upload them to a site) - check email from a PC. Voila

4. Another - connect external SCSI drive to mac SE - copy floppies - connect same drive to a mac with SCSI and burn on a SCSI CD burner


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"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining planet known as Earth."
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