Alexander K. Hansen wrote:
> Alexander K. Hansen wrote:
>> Phillip R Smith wrote:
>>> On my list I had to update fink BEFORE I installed Leopard on the G5
>>> But I didn't
>>> So can a kind individual help me with what I need to do now? ...
>>> And on the MacBook, I DID update fink but the XcodeTools install
>>> failed with an error like:  "There was an error: Run postinstall
>>> script for CHUD."  Whatever the post install script was meant to do,
>>> doing it seems to be key since while "fink reinstall fink" worked,
>>> "fink update fink" complains about GCC..
>>> Frustrating....
>>> -Ross Smith-
>> It seems like the new Xcode isn't always giving people a working
>> gcc_select, which is what fink wants.  A clean install of Xcode,

No. There is no gcc_select in Xcode-3.0. Fink doesn't mind if there is 
none. Problems arise only when an old gcc_select survives from older 
xcode, because fink sees it and tries it out, but it doesn't work.

>> rather than trying to update in place, has historically helped with
>> such issues.

> Ooops...forgot to note how to do the clean install:  at least on <=10.4
> there's a script called /Developer/Tools/ that will
> flush the Xcode install.  Hopefully Leopard isn't different in this.

Well, in the situation in question, it is still the old uninstall script 
that is useful. Leopard *is* different concerning pkg installation:

The receipts are now in /Library/Receipts/boms/, and there is a command 
"pkgutil" to manage them, including removing the receipt or even the 
installed files. The pkg's themselves are no longer directories, but 
/usr/bin/xar archives.

For the dev tools, there is the perl script 


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