>>>>> "Koen" == Koen van der Drift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Koen> I am working on a perlmodule package that installs a bunch of
Koen> perlscripts (*.pl).

If they are meant as commands typed by the user, PLEASE PLEASE do not
put ".pl" on the send of the script!  This is not the Unix Way.

".pl" means "Perl Library".  It's meant to be used with "do" or
"require" within another script, not as something typed by a
user. Perl *programs* did not have that on the end until Windows Perl
came along, needing the extension to know that it's really a Perl
program.  Stupid Windows.

The technology by which a command is implemented is not part of the
extension of that command.  (Or have you renamed your "cat" command

If the scripts are end-user scripts, put them in /sw/bin.  If they
aren't, put them in /sw/lib/$PACKAGENAME, and be sure to invoke them
in a way that /sw works if replaced by something else.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
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