Ben Abbott wrote:
> grep: /usr/X11/lib/ No such file or directory
> /sw/bin/sed: can't read /usr/X11/lib/ No such file or directory
> libtool: link: `/usr/X11/lib/' is not a valid libtool archive
> make[1]: *** [../] Error 1
> make: *** [libgutils] Error 2
> Is Apple's X11 to blame (do I need to install Xquartz?)?

Yes and no. Apple is to blame, but installing Xquartz won't help. Apple 
has been changing their mind a couple of times about the presence of the 
*.la libtool files in /usr/X11/lib. While they disappeared in 
xcode-3.1.2 (IIRC) and in the recent xquartz updates, they came back in 
the last xcode for 10.5, xcode-3.1.3, and they are gone now in 10.6.

> … or does the fontconfig2-dev package need to be modified to work with  
> Snow Leopard?
> ... or something else?

The Fink chiefs need to wake up and pull their head out of the sand 
where they have been keeping it for the last year. This disaster has 
been announced for a long time, but nothing has been decided about it 
yet (CCing fink-core).

At the moment I see 3 solutions:

1. Get the *.la files back. This can be done for example by running the 
script I prepared for this situation some months ago (google for 
""). I haven't tested this on 10.6, but it should work 
there, too (famous last words...)

2. Remove and then rebuild any package that has anything to do with X11. 
The time needed for organizing this will probably be more or less 
equivalent to removing /sw altogether and installing Fink from scratch.

3. Before building packages, remove all *.la files in the fink tree:

  sudo find /sw/lib/ -name \*.la --delete

The problem with the latter solution is that when a dev package gets 
pulled in during the build process, it may reintroduce contaminated *.la 
files. Thus all required builddeps would have to be installed first and 
then the *.la-removal command be run.


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