Ben Abbott wrote:
> Is it possible that the wrong dylib is being loaded at run time? Is there a 
> way to (safely) test the idea?

The other libstdc++ is loaded because it is pulled in by some of the 
dylibs liboctinterp-3.3.50+.dylib links to, for example 
/sw/lib/fltk-aqua/lib/libfltk_gl.1.1.dylib. You can see in which order 
the dylibs are loaded by running octave as


Another env variables interesting in this context is DYLD_PRINT_BINDINGS 
(but its output is enormous).

Note that I am not sure that this is really the cause of the crash.
It would be interesting to see if others know about crashes that appear 
when dylibs compiled with different versions of g++ are linked together.


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